Life Members
Upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the ASSCT may, in recognition of specially meritorious services rendered to the ASSCT, elect any Full Member to the privileges of Life Membership in the Company. Life members have all the privileges of Full Members.
Full Members
At each Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee may recommend for election to Full Membership of the ASSCT such Associate Members who are deemed to have qualified for admission thereto. Conditions for the recommendation to Full Membership is the presentation of any approved paper at an Annual Conference of the ASSCT by a sole author or, in the case of multiple authorship, such authors as may be recommended by the Executive.
Associate Members
Any person interested in sugar cane technology is eligible for election to Associate Membership. Such Members have all the privileges of Full Members other than:
a. Voting at general and sectional meetings, and
b. Holding any office in the ASSCT other than the Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary Assistant Secretary who may each be an Associate Member having full voting rights.
Retired Members
Retired members are those members who have been members of the society for at least 15 years and who are now retired and not in active employment. Retired members retain their previous standing as full or associate members of the society.
Supporting Members
Supporting Members are those associations, societies, companies, or other corporate bodies who, in return for the payment of one or more subscriptions annually, are entitled to receive an equal number of copies of technical publications issued by ASSCT, they are entitled to be represented at the Annual Conferences of the ASSCT by any number of delegates who shall have no voting power but shall be free to enter into the discussions and place technical information and problems before the Members.
This does not prevent any employee for a Supporting Member from being an Associate or Full Member in their own right subject to the conditions of such Membership.
Online application forms
Completed forms should be sent by email, post or fax to:
The Honorary General Secretary
Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists
Box 5596
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.