All visitors to this site are able to read abstracts of all papers and have on-line access to most papers. However, only financial members of the ASSCT are able to access, on line, the full papers for the last three years. If non-members would like to read a full paper of the last three years, they have two options:
- Become a member of ASSCT by applying for membership, or
- Purchase a copy of the paper, by completing an ASSCT Paper Order form.
- The first technical writings of the QSSCT were recorded in 1929. Conference have been held annually since then except for 1943 and 1945.
- For the initial years (1929 to 1932) the Society's technical papers were not individually identified and were published within the Conference Proceedings together with any discussions. For those early years, extraction and indexing of the technical papers is not possible so searching must resort to reading the Contents pages of those Proceedings which are filed with the Discussions and then moving to the required pages. From 1933 to 1946, there was occasionally a significant quantity of technical reports and reviews in the Proceedings which did not appear with the Discussions. To make this information available, the relevant parts of those Proceedings have been transferred to the front of the Discussions of the same year.
- Discussions generally record the proceedings of the Conference meetings, special reports on topics of interest as well as the discussions on individual technical papers which have not been extracted separately.
- Word searching within each year's Discussions and individual Proceedings papers is generally available using software capable of processing pdf files. However, text conversion using ocr software does not result in perfect conversion so some searches may miss their target string.
- There are four years (1942 to 1945) when Discussions were not recorded although Proceedings were produced in 1942 and 1944.
- Separate Discussions continued to be published up to 1984 so ASSCT papers from 1980 to 1984 have recorded discussions.